Are we Human?


Are we human?

Obviously the answer to this question is yes, but for what I believe a human to be is kind, considerate,  passionate and caring for one another, well that’s how I was brought up.

After attending Asylum Monologues at Cathays Community Center I’m starting to see the whole picture a little bit better.

From limited knowledge about refugees or asylum seekers here is what I gathered from the whole event:

  1. Due to the most aweful experiences know to man happening in their own country (raping, killing, torture) they have managed to somehow get to the UK.
  2. Here they are given no respect and thrown around in various different detention centers while trying to see asylum
  3. Most will not get asylum and be deported back to their country of origin where families will have been torn apart or destroyed and if they do get to stay then their quality of life is just as bad. Given a voucher of £5 a day and not to be allowed to work seems in my opinion a continuation of cruelty from us.

So after leaving the discussion it really hit home at how many various different problems we are having on this planet and what can be done about them.

I suppose by just offloading some of these thoughts I’ve managed to come to my own conclusion about what we as individuals can do? I think that concentrating on the one thing you’re good at is the best you can do as an individual but always listen to other people who want to share their passion and drive the way you want to be listened to. In my case I’m focusing on Animal Welfare and Climate Change hoping that what I am doing is a step closer to the future we are set for. I genuinely believe that becoming a vegetarian is a huge help in so many different ways, from reducing carbon emmissions to leading a healthy varied diet. Yes vegetarianism still has it’s problems by still supporting the aweful dairy industry we seem to have developed but by being more ethcially minded when shopping you can choose to support a better model.

In an ideal world I’d love to see a reliance on fruit and vegetables be the normal and meat a true luxury for those of us who are willing to kill for it and really understand that a live has been sacraficed for that meal. But until then, I’m sticking to my vegetables.

To sum up though, it does seem that although there are a lot of caring people out there, there are also a lot of people who are not and the way we treat animals and humans is just wrong.

Please stand up to this by reading more about Compassion in World Farming and visiting the Ice and Fire website.

Thank you

Deri Reed

Video: To watch what truely happens behind closed doors at the dairy farm watch this video.

For more information on any of the topics above please start a discussion below.
